Sunday, May 19, 2024

Christmas in the News: Hallmark, Netflix/NFL Deal, Steelers Versus Chiefs Christmas Game & Holiday Movie Review


Christmas had a mighty busy time over the last few days. We start off in Kentucky, Missouri, where it was announced the Hallmark Christmas Experience will be opening at Crown Center in November. The article states that this first-ever, immersive experience will be free and open to the public and have all the appeal of a Hallmark movie small town. You can read more here!

The New York Post reported that streaming service, Netflix, is set to pay $150 million to air two games on Christmas Day. You can read that article here.

Keeping with the NFL theme, TRIBLive reported that Steelers fans are anticipating the team will be playing the Chiefs on Christmas Day. Will there be a Taylor Swift sighting? Check out the article here

Finally, The Hollywood Reporter reviewed Christmas Eve in Miller's Point. Directed by Tyler Taormina, it tells the story of a large Italian family getting together for their annual winter celebration. You can read the review here.

What Christmas news are you most excited about?

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