Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Deals on Christmas Storage


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Welcome to 2025! While we won't take down our Christmas decorations for a while, some like to get their house back in order right after the new year starts. Here are some places running deals on Christmas storage right now.* 

This Dream Loom storage bag is on sale right now at Amazon. Posted dimensions are 65"x15"x30" and said to fit a 9 foot tree. 

Saw these Hefty totes in our local Target the other day. You can find them on sale here.

Amazon has this set of two wreath storage bags available from Zober. I found some plaid ones at our local Joann Fabrics, which they also have online

Found this neat light storage bin from KBOROVER at Amazon. I've gotten by the last several years by wrapping my lights around long pieces of cardboard and then storing them in a bag or bin. 

The best Christmas storage product I ever bought was this gift wrap organizer from Joann Fabrics. It holds a crazy amount of gift wrap, tags, bows, ribbons, etc. 

When do you take down your decorations?

* These items are posted as a public service. I do not earn affiliate income if you click a link to purchase. No shade toward content creators who provide an amazing service to others. This blog is a Christmas love project, so sharing information freely follows through with my mission of spreading love and joy throughout the year. Please note that vendors can change prices and marketing strategies without notice. These sales are in effect as of the time of this post. Please check with the vendor's website to see how long they will be in effect. 

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