Sunday, December 22, 2024

Christmas... in the News: Snow in NYC Before Christmas, California's Christmas Tree Lane & Childhood Christmas Tradition


Welcome to this week's edition of Christmas... in the news. This is a weekly review of some of the Christmas articles and news over the last week. 

Great to see you here today, just three short days before Christmas. Can you believe how quickly we have gotten here? As you probably expect, tons of Christmas news online these days. Here are a few stories that caught my eye.

The Weather Channel reported that New York City was turned into a winter wonderland this weekend with the city getting its first measurable snow. You can read the report here. Hopefully, this will give them a white Christmas. Our area of the Northeast is expecting some of the white stuff tomorrow night. 

CBS NEWS shared what it is like living on Christmas Tree Lane, which is located in Alameda, California. This is an ongoing tradition that has been happening for more than 80 years. Check out the video here.

Writing for SLATE, Susan Matthews shares a Christmas tradition from her childhood that she plans to share with her family. Read all about it here.

Hope you've enjoyed these weekly posts. I'm open to feedback and new ideas on what you would like to see at Christmas Year Round. Send me a direct message to ccmal(at)charter(dot)net with "Christmas blog" in the subject line. 

Our Christmas countdown continues,  and you might see a couple more reviews before the holiday. After that, we will take a short break so that our family can enjoy some time together. 

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year! 

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