Sunday, April 30, 2023

Seasonal Stories with Great Messages

I received a box of books for Michael Neugebauer Publishing from their publicist. I've only had a chance to read a couple of them, but as soon as I did, I had to share them with you.

The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry with pictures by Sonja Danowski

This edition takes the classic story by O. Henry and sets it to beautiful artwork by Sonja Danowski. The oversized hardcover makes a perfect coffee table book. I usually display my seasonal titles throughout the house at Christmas time, so this one will prominently be displayed in the reading room.

If you’re unfamiliar with the story, it goes something like this. Della and Jim are a young married couple who desire to give each other a special Christmas gift. After a year of scrimping and saving, Della discovers she has very little money to purchase a gift for Jim. But she soon comes up with an idea for how she can get enough money to buy him just what he needs, which leads to some surprises on Christmas Eve.

Keeping in mind that O. Henry lived from 1862-1910, the text is much more eloquent than one would expect of a picture book today. The author was also known for his wit and his wordplay, so some of the prose might not hit its mark with a younger audience. This would make a great read aloud for families.

ISBN-13: 9789888240579
Publisher: minedition
Publication date: 11/1/2013
Pages: 32
Ages 9 and up

The Message of the Birds by Kate Westerlund and illustrated by Feridun Oral

The Message of the Birds starts off with the old owl telling the story of the birth of a special child long ago in a stable, where all the animals hear the baby’s coos as a song of blessing and good will. The birds then ask why they don’t sing it anymore. After many possible reasons are given, the robin suggests sharing the message with the children. So the birds fly far and wide, telling every bird to share the message with every child, which the children then share with the world.

This is a touching story made lovelier by the stunning artwork of Feridun Oral. If you want to add meaning to your Christmas, this is great book to share with your family.

ISBN-13: 9789888240555
Publisher: minedition
Publication date: 11/1/2013
Edition description: Reprint
Pages: 32
Age range: 3 - 5 Years

I received free copies of these books. These reviews contain my honest opinions, which I have not been compensated for in any way.

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