Saturday, March 8, 2025

Three Things to Do in March to Prepare for Next Christmas

Isn't it crazy that it is March already? Around here, we are just starting to see warmer days. Seedlings are sprouting inside, garden plans are underway, and the youngest has been home for break. I'm almost ready to start spring cleaning, though I wouldn't be surprised if we had another storm before spring officially arrives. It often works that way up here. 

In March, there are several things we can do to take the stress out of the holidays and keep us on track. Here are my top three. 

Start Your Christmas List

Spring cleaning provides you the perfect opportunity to know what you need to buy for next year. Everything is cleaned and organized. You've donated what kids have outgrown or what you no longer wear. Having everything in its place gives you the chance to take a mental inventory of what you need and add it to the Christmas list. 

Photo credit: Freepik

Consider Experiences Versus More Stuff

One year, our family got together and gave my in-laws a trip to Disney as a gift. They had taken the boys when they were kids, but never got to experience a trip like this by themselves. They loved it! As you're starting your Christmas list, think about what kinds of experiences those on your list might enjoy. Perhaps it is free babysitting so they can have a night out. Maybe it's a weekend away at a bed and breakfast. It could also be signing them up for classes to begin that new hobby they have been talking about. 

Photo credit: jcomp at Freepik

Set Your Budget

Now that you are starting your list, you need to consider a budget. Having a budget helps to reduce overspending. Working in connection with your Christmas list, you can determine how much you will spend per person and, as you buy gifts, you track your expenditures against the budget line for each person. 

These tips will keep you organized and on track as you prepare for the holidays. 

Three Things to Do in March to Prepare for Next Christmas

Isn't it crazy that it is March already? Around here, we are just starting to see warmer days. Seedlings are sprouting inside, garden pl...